- Current mood
Starea actuala
- Social Media
Social media design
- I’m not perfect, I’m limited edition
Nu sunt perfect, sunt editie limitata
- I was social distancing before it was cool
Distantat social inainte sa fie cool
- Trust no man fear no bitch
Sa n-ai incredere in barbati si sa nu te temi de doamne…
- Stoned again
De piatra… pretioasa.
- True friends stab you in the front
Prietenii adevarati ti-o trag prin fata ;)
- Too stressed to be blessed
Prea stresat sa fiu binecuvantat
- Why you bullshittin
De ce mananci… ce nu trebuie?
- The only way I see you now is through a telescope
Te vad doar prin telescop… Dar te simt peste tot
- The first five days of the week are the hardest
Primele 5 zile ale saptamanii sunt cele mai grele…
- Laziness is nothing more than resting before you get fired
Lenea nu e nimic altceva decat o binemeritata odihna inainte de a fi dat afara…
- No bae no problem
„Fara gagica nu-i probleme…”
- My days are darker than your nights
Zilele mele sunt mai negre decat sunt noptile tale
- Make girls cum again
Lasati femeile sa faca ce vor!
- Lough with many don’t trust any
Razi cu multi… foarte multi…
- Im’a happy ray of f****** sunshine
Sunt o raza de soare.
- Dad’s wallet is closed for the day
Portofelul tatalui este inchis azi.
- I love myself. No one does it better
Ma ador, iar nimeni n-o face mai bine.
- Sorry I’m late, I saw a dog
Scuzati intarzierea, am vazut un caine…