- It’s about time
Este timpul… sau este despre timp…
- Some have a story, we have history 2022
Pentru aceia ce au o istorie impreuna, nu doar cateva povesti
- I was social distancing before it was cool
Distantat social inainte sa fie cool
- I survived the great toilet paper crisis of 2020
Supravietuitor al crizei de hartie igienica din 2020
- I came, I saw, and I forget what I was doing
Am venit, am vazut dar am uitat ce faceam
- The things that kill us are the things we crave the most
Cel mai mult tanjim dupa lucrurile care ne omoara…
- There is thunder in our hearts
Furtuna din sufletele noastre
- Trust no man fear no bitch
Sa n-ai incredere in barbati si sa nu te temi de doamne…
- Well done is better than well said
Bine facut e mai bine decat bine spus
- You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf
Nu pot opri valurile, dar poti invata sa faci surf
- Today is the day
Astazi e ziua aia pe care o asteptai… Fa-o!
- We ignore truth for temporary happiness
Ignoram adevarul pentru placerea temporara
- The path to paradise begins in hell
Drumul spre paradis incepe in iad
- The bills are calling and I must work
Atunci cand te cauta facturile…
- True friends stab you in the front
Prietenii adevarati ti-o trag prin fata ;)
- Who rescued who?
Cine a salvat pe cine?
- Too stressed to be blessed
Prea stresat sa fiu binecuvantat
- Too blessed to be stressed
Prea binecuvantat ca sa ma stresez
- Why you bullshittin
De ce mananci… ce nu trebuie?
- This fisherman is awesome
Pescarul asta e grozav