- Cryptomonede Bitcoin
Criptomoneda Bitcoin
- Albert Einstein Mc2
Albert Einstein Mc2
- Superman Abstract Art
Superman Abstract
- Star Lord – Guardians of the galaxy
Star Lord – Gardienii galaxiei
- Superman logo – Son of Jor El
Superman, unul dintre cei mai indragiti supereroi are un logo…. Thaaa..da….
- Gimme Danger custom bikes motor club
Gimme Danger custom bikes motor club
- Best memories come from bad ideas
Ideile proaste genereaza cele mai bune amintiri…
- Authentic Renegade Wild West
Authentic Renegade Wild West
- Outdoor Hanger
Pentru iubitorii de aventura, un cuier natural.
- Oink 200 Vacuum Cleaner
Aspirator de femei, marca Porc! ;)
- Lost ring, huge reward
Inel pierdut, recompensa imensa – Lord of the rings.
- House alarm
Alarma de casa
- Forget the past but remember the lesson
Uita-ti trecutul, dar aminteste-ti lectiile…
- Deadpool – Mercenaries
Deadpool Mercenarii
- Retro Hyper Space
Retro Hyper Space
- Dead Pool Shred Pool
Dead-Pool Shred Pool
- Whiskey doesn’t ask questions
Whiskey-ul nu pune intrebari… Nici noi!