- Bee, honey!
Multe albine…
- Boo Bees
Albine fantome
- Bee Kind
O albina sau mai multe albine, fii de gashka!
- But frist let me take a selfie
Pentru toti iubitorii de selfie-uri
- Blogging
Bloggeri si blogging
- Current mood
Starea actuala
- Blog
Doar blog!
- Ambitie de ONGist
Ambitie de ONGist
- Roll up your sleeve
Sufleca-ti maneca.
- Self-Proclaimed Genius
Geniu auto-proclamat
- Some have a story, we have history 2022
Pentru aceia ce au o istorie impreuna, nu doar cateva povesti
- Professional beer tester
Tester de bere profesionist
- It’s party time
Un design special pentru petreceri si petrecareti
- I’m not perfect, I’m limited edition
Nu sunt perfect, sunt editie limitata
- I was social distancing before it was cool
Distantat social inainte sa fie cool
- I survived the great toilet paper crisis of 2020
Supravietuitor al crizei de hartie igienica din 2020
- I came, I saw, and I forget what I was doing
Am venit, am vazut dar am uitat ce faceam
- Good artists copy great artist steal
Toti artistii copiaza, nimeni nu recunoastre.
- The things that kill us are the things we crave the most
Cel mai mult tanjim dupa lucrurile care ne omoara…
- The Witcher – the sword in the darkness
The Witcher – Sabia din intuneric