- It’s about time
Este timpul… sau este despre timp…
- Space design
Astronaut Space Design
- Daily vlog
Pentru vlog si vloggeri
- Ambitie de ONGist
Ambitie de ONGist
- Rock me hard
Rockaieste-ma tare!
- Self-Proclaimed Genius
Geniu auto-proclamat
- Some have a story, we have history 2022
Pentru aceia ce au o istorie impreuna, nu doar cateva povesti
- Love life, love ONG
Pentru toti iubitorii de ONG-uri
- I was social distancing before it was cool
Distantat social inainte sa fie cool
- I came, I saw, and I forget what I was doing
Am venit, am vazut dar am uitat ce faceam
- The things that kill us are the things we crave the most
Cel mai mult tanjim dupa lucrurile care ne omoara…
- Too blessed to be stressed
Prea binecuvantat ca sa ma stresez
- Why you bullshittin
De ce mananci… ce nu trebuie?
- Whatever it is forgive yourself and move on
Orice ar fi, iarta-te si mergi mai departe
- Where do broken heats go
Unde ajung toate inimile frante.
- The simple things are the most extraordinary
Lucrurile simple sunt si cele mai extraordinare
- The only way to escape is to change
Singura scapare e prin schimbare
- We can be heroes just for one day
Putem fi eroi pentru o zi
- The only way I see you now is through a telescope
Te vad doar prin telescop… Dar te simt peste tot
- The first five days of the week are the hardest
Primele 5 zile ale saptamanii sunt cele mai grele…