- The simple things are the most extraordinary
Lucrurile simple sunt si cele mai extraordinare
- Etapele unei relatii
Creatie artistica menita sa prezinta etapele unei relatii.
- The path to paradise begins in hell
Drumul spre paradis incepe in iad
- You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf
Nu pot opri valurile, dar poti invata sa faci surf
- Pay attention, do your best, expect nothing
Fii atent, da tot ce-i mai bun, nu te astepta la nimic in schimb.
- Too stressed to be blessed
Prea stresat sa fiu binecuvantat
- I’m not perfect, I’m limited edition
Nu sunt perfect, sunt editie limitata
- Wild and Free
Salbatic si liber? Doar daca nu esti casatorit….
- I survived the great toilet paper crisis of 2020
Supravietuitor al crizei de hartie igienica din 2020
- Social Media
Social media design
- Current mood
Starea actuala
- Fishing adventure, here we come!
Aventura la pescuit, veniiiim!
- Miss Monster
Miss Moanstra
- Blogging
Bloggeri si blogging
- Killer dog
Atentie! Caine rau;
- Best memories come from bad ideas
Ideile proaste genereaza cele mai bune amintiri…
- Retro Hyper Space
Retro Hyper Space
- She was the sea calm but so deep
O mare calma… dar prea adanca…
- Mysterious things
Mysterious things – Creative art
- Space design
Astronaut Space Design